Confermata la centralità delle certificazioni nel Correttivo al Codice appalti

Con il Dlgs 31 dicembre 2024, n. 209 sono state disposte integrazioni al Codice dei contratti pubblici di cui al Dlgs 36/2023.Di particolare interesse le norme che premiano le certificazioni e che confermano una premialità in termini di riduzione delle garanzie da presentare, per le sole aziende certificate (fra le poche certificazione ammesse risulta sempre Remade).La partecipazione ad una gara,  secondo il  Codice appalti, richiede che l’offerta sia corredata da una garanzia provvisoria (cauzione o fideiussione) pari al 2% del valore della gara (articolo 106, comma 8). Un impegno che può risultare altamente oneroso per gli operatori, anche perché tale importo può essere, a discrezione della Stazione appaltante, aumentato fino al 4% del valore indicato nel bando o nell’invito (art. 106 Garanzie per la…

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Plastic tax Spain. Ámbito de aplicación del impuesto sobre el plástico.

Con el fin de desarrollar la economía circular e implementar las diferentes normas europeas para la reducción del plástico de un solo uso, España ha comenzado a aplicar un impuesto a todos los envases que contengan plástico no reutilizable, productos semielaborados y productos finales. El impuesto sobre el plástico se aplica a todos los envases: primarios, secundarios y terciarios. Afecta tanto a los embalajes fabricados en España como a los los artículos importados. El impuesto no se aplica a los envases fabricados con contenido reciclado certificado. La tasa impositiva de 0,45 euros por kg está relacionada con el contenido de plástico no reciclado. Por lo tanto, la cantidad de plástico reciclado en el envase no está sujeta a impuestos. Sin…

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Plastic Tax Spain. Scope of application and exemption for recycled materials

As of January 1, 2023, Spain introduced a tax on plastic packaging with the Spanish Law 7/2022. The Scope of the Spanish Plastic Tax. In order to increase the circular economy and to implement the European rules for reducing the single-use plastic, Spain has therefore applied a tax to all non-reusable plastic-containing packaging, semi-finished products and final products. Plastic tax applies to all packaging: primary, secondary and tertiary. It includes packaging manufactured in Spain and the imported items. The tax cannot be applied to packaging made of certified recycled content. The tax fee of 0.45 euros per kg is related to the non-recycled plastic content, therefore, the quantity of recycled plastic in the packaging is not taxable. However, the Spanish…

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REMADE Certification. NEW Technical Standard

ReMade in Italy or REMADE? The new REMADE version has no more the classic "made in Italy" requirement to certify the content of recycled materials and by-products. The REMADE Technical Scheme has been revised and so it's possible to certify the recycled content of products and materials also made abroad (at production sites located out of Italy). Materials and products made outside Italy will thus be able to obtain the REMADE certificate and label. The Remade in Italy label will continue to exist and will be granted to those who make recycled materials mainly in Italy and want to highlight this aspect. The Standards for the new REMADE have been validated by ACCREDIA (ACCREDIA is the Italian National Accreditation body…

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